A Fresh Start: A Guide to Dry January

January is notoriously the month of self-improvement.

As Christmas lights start to come down and sparkly NYE dresses are stored away, the new year brings on an air of new beginnings. The most common New Year’s resolutions are health-focused, ringing in the new year on the right food. After indulging in delicious holiday drinks and festivities, it's natural to think about prioritising wellness. Among the most popular wellness challenges, especially in London, of the new year is the infamous Dry January. 

In this blog post, we’ll give you a few tips and tricks to remain steadfast in your alcohol-free pursuits this Dry January in London (and beyond)

First of all, what is Dry January? 

Dry January is a movement where people abstain from consuming alcohol for the entire month of January. It’s a global initiative that has taken off with extra gusto in the last few years as people re-evaluate their drinking habits after the period of celebration of the holiday season. 

Why participate in Dry January? 

There is a wide array of benefits associated with participating in Dry January: 

  • Improving your sleep: Reducing your alcohol may help improve your sleep patterns. Did you know that alcohol disrupts your Circadian Rhythm, which means you’ll spend less time in the REM cycle? The REM cycle is the phase of your sleep cycle in which you get your deepest and most restorative sleep. Cutting back can result in better sleep quality and overall deeper sleep.  

  • Weight loss goals: Many new year’s resolutions centre around weight loss. It is no secret that alcohol can be quite calorific. Reducing your alcohol intake (and cutting it out entirely in January) can help reach your weight loss goals

  • Financial reasons: Alcoholic beverages on a night out can add up to be quite expensive, especially in London. By cutting out alcohol for the month of January, you might start the year off with a little extra cash in your pocket. 

  • New hobbies: Particularly during long London winters, it can be tempting to stay indoors and hit the pub or bar every time you want to socialise. By going alcohol-free, you might discover new activities and hobbies to engage in with your loved ones that don’t involve hitting the booze. Why not try indoor social pottery, jewellery making, or an indoor sport, like volleyball

  • Re-evaluating drinking habits: It can be helpful to check in with yourself about your drinking habits. Reassessing our relationship with alcohol can ensure that we enter the new year with a positive and more mindful approach to alcohol. For example, if you find yourself drinking to unwind, you might discover new ways to relax after a stressful day. 

  • Feel accomplished: Dry January is a great way to instil a sense of self-confidence and accomplishment right at the beginning of the year. While other New Year's resolutions, such as weight loss, might be longer term and harder to reach, Dry January involves 31 days of sacrifice. You’ve got this! 👍

  • Skin health: It’s no secret that, due its diuretic properties, alcohol is not a friend of hydration. Alcohol causes your body to expel fluids at a much higher rate than other liquids (read: you’ll likely find yourself using the restroom very often on a boozy night) which makes it challenging to remain hydrated. This dehydrating effect makes your skin lose fluid and nutrients, resulting in dull and unhealthy skin. Coupled with the heightened sugar level in alcohol (and especially in delicious sugary cocktails), your already weakened skin will become more prone to breakouts. Cutting out alcohol for a month may help to reduce breakouts and lead to plumper, better hydrated skin

Now that we’ve convinced you to tackle Dry Jan this year, we’re here to help with some tips to stay strong for 31 days alcohol-free. You’ve got this. 

  • Discover the magic of mocktails: Whether you’re at home or out with friends, alcohol-free cocktails are a great substitution for the “real” thing. Did you know that mocktail beverages were one of the hottest food and beverage trends of the year? As a result, beverage companies and establishments pushed to expand their offering of non-alcoholic drinks.

    • At Terra Terra, we have a wide offering of non-alcoholic beverages to keep you on the wagon this January. If you like the classics, our Virgin Amaretto Sour is almondy, citrusy, and absolutely delicious. We promise you won’t miss the liqueur. Our Earl Grey Peach Iced Tea is a unique twist on the classic, offering a delicious, floral alternative to your usual iced tea.

    • At home, why not try the viral Sleepy Girl Mocktail that blew up on Tik Tok recently? This delicious blend of tart cherry juice, sparkling water (or a lemon-lime fizzy drink if you prefer a sweeter drink), and magnesium powder is not only a delicious substitute for your evening cocktail of choice, but it will also help you get to sleep. Tart cherry juice contains naturally high levels of melatonin, a hormone that helps you doze off. Magnesium has also been shown to aid in the sleeping process. Of course, please consult your doctor before taking any dietary supplements- this delicious drink can make you snooze even without the magnesium. If you don’t fancy yourself a mixologist, stock up on the U.K.’s best non-alcoholic beers from some of your favourite breweries, like Beavertown and Brewdog. 

  • Stay positive: We’ve all heard it before- your mindset is key to success. We recommend outlining why you are undertaking Dry January and reminding yourself of these goals throughout the month, whether you’re trying to slim down after the holidays or you’re focusing on repairing your relationship with alcohol. By reminding yourself of your motivations, you’ll be on the road to success. But remember that to err is human- don’t beat yourself up if you slip up. Every day is a new day and progress is not linear. Believe in yourself!

  • Keep yourself busy: Alcohol can be the cure-all for boredom. Make sure to keep yourself busy this January with activities that don’t centre around alcohol. Suggest catching up with friends over a cream tea or a fancy hot chocolate instead of over a pint. Make plans to go see a show at the London Alcohol-Free Comedy Club for a night of booze-free laughs. Learn how to make your favourite dessert by attending a cooking class. If you’re looking for something a bit more active, why not try indoor mini golf or rock-climbing? London is full of fun alcohol-free activities if you look for them. 

  • Reach out to your loved ones: Chances are you’re not the only one in your friendship group who is tackling Dry Jan. We recommend telling your loved ones that you’re trying Dry this new year, not only to hold yourself accountable, but also as a way to connect with others who are pledging the same thing. You’re not alone! 

No matter your motivations for tackling Dry January, we at Terra Terra are confident that you’ll smash it this year. Remember, any progress is progress! Even one less day drinking can make a positive impact on your health, mindset, and habits. We believe in you, so believe in yourself.